Saturday, July 20, 2019

A Writer 190720

      I like to think I am a writer of sorts.

      I write what is in my heart. My first writing instructor told me to write what I know, not what I think. Most of my posts are experiences I've had and recall from memory, some are the result of research and some are pure fantasy. There are a few about things I believe will happen. Perhaps they will happen long after I am gone from this planet. I have no way of knowing which it will be.
      One thing I do not understand with writing is that most people do not like poetry. They love songs and when I analyze song lyrics, many are just poetry set to music. Another thing I have never understood is when I write some fantasy that popped up in my brain, people often seem to believe it is true and they believe it happened to me. The opposite happens when pieces I write that are true and did happen to me are not often believed as such. I don't know how to correct that. Maybe it is better if my readers are not sure and they are allowed to form their own opinion.
      There's an old saying that the truth is stranger than fiction. I believe that saying is correct.
Copyright Bill Weber 2006-2019 and beyond.

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