Tuesday, June 4, 2019

MD, Cancer, Diabetes, Alzheimer's 190604

      The various societies involved in these diseases listed in the title above have promised breakthroughs for decades.

      Jerry Lewis promised year after year that MD would be cured within the next year with more funding. The cancer society has been collecting millions of dollars a year since at least the late sixties. Diabetes and Alzheimer research has also collected millions of dollars a year.
       Where are the results? We still have all of those diseases raging. It has been mentioned through the years that those doing the research would lose their jobs if they ever found the cure. I hope that is not what is going on. One thing that I wonder about is, what if we cured all disease and people started living for 150 or 200 years? Wouldn't the earth become so overpopulated that we would all starve because the land would not support the food needs of the population?
      I think my body is well worn out at this point, what would I do for the next 75 to 125 years, just semi-vegetate? There seems to be a plan to establish colonies on Mars, does that sound like fun living in bubbles up there? Some of the plans call for building an atmosphere on Mars, but how long would that take? Could it be a million years? Earth's atmosphere took that long to build. Mars is only half the size of earth, so where will everyone go?
Copyright Bill Weber 2006-2019 and beyond.

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