Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Reprogram your mind 190521

      I watched a UTUBE video last night and again this morning about how to reprogram one's mind. by Doctor Bruce Lipton

      One of the things he said was 95% of our brain is sub-conscious while 5% is conscious. His theory is that our sub-conscious is learned from the third trimester in the womb until we are seven years old. So what we learned in that time period shapes our lives. I take that to mean we become all of our parent's and grandparent's thoughts and fears. Our subconscious brain rules us 95% of the time because we learned that from parents and grandparents over and over. We learn now through our conscious minds the same way, by repetition, our ABCs our mathematics. The thing is that our subconscious works 10 times faster than our conscious mind, so the first thing that comes to mind is all the fears of failure, prejudices and so on that we learned before. What we need to do is reprogram ourselves by repetition in our conscious mind and that will transfer to our subconscious and make us better-happier people.
      Doctor Lipton explains and has more detail than what I have said. I had watched several similar videos before about how we think determines how we act and how we see the life we are living, but this one has cemented my thinking and I plan on making my life better by changing and re-enforcing my conscious thinking by repetition. It is up to you to decide what you want to be and if you want to overcome those long-held fears of failure ingrained in your early years. Henry Ford failed many times before he changed automobile manufacturing forever.
      Now I will step down from my soapbox and let you think about this. The video is better than what I have relayed in my text.
Copyright Bill Weber 2006-2019 and beyond.

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