Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Living on the cheap

      These lifestyles are not for everyone, but I admire their ideas and abilities to live the way they do. It is not for me and certainly not for Joyce. That said, if I am left behind if she goes before me, I might give it a go for a bit, maybe a month or more if I can't afford to live in an apartment on my own.
      This guy has made a decent place to live in his storage locker.
      Here is a guy living well in his van after he sold his business and retired at 50 years old.
      There are a lot of homeless people who do live in a van or a truck with a camper shell on the back. It's not ideal, but one has to do what one must do to survive or just follow a dream to roam this vast wonderful country we live in.
Copyright Bill Weber 2006-2019 and beyond.

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