Thursday, May 23, 2019

My thoughts today 190523

      I am going philosophical on on you today. Don't worry this is good for you.

      I wonder how many people ever consider what their purpose is in life? That said, is there a purpose in our lives? After Joyce's tribulations a year and a half ago, when she was at death's door several times, she returned home and firmly believed she was here for a purpose and she expressed that purpose to me. I will not relay that, but she believes it and I like what she said.
      This brings another philosophical thing to mind.The question is "who am I?" It is a difficult question to answer. Most people have a quick answer with what they are, not who they are. By that I mean the answers go like this. I am a man/woman. I am a factory worker or a retail clerk or a mother or a father. The list goes on, but those things are what you are, not who you are.
      I have been researching for days on dozens of sites and as of yet found nothing substantial. One thing I read struck me as the best answer I found. "The question is very simple in nature, and the answer is; there is no answer". I am still wondering about that. I would be happy for a proper answer if anyone cares to share an opinion on this difficult question.
      Update, the best I could compile from what I read is this: I am an ever-changing being searching for my purpose in life. That may sound corny, but it is the best I can muster and it may be what I am rather than who I am. If you are confused at this point, no worry, because I am too.
Copyright Bill Weber 2006-2019 and beyond.

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