Friday, May 24, 2019

McHale's navy

      The video in the link is to Earnest Borgnine's reminisces of the TV series McHale's navy a show I watched back in the sixties before I joined the navy.

      The show was funny to me back then. It had Borgnine and Tim Conway and other funnymen. In the video Borgnine talks about how he had actually joined the navy in 1935 and then got out in October of 1941. The war started in December of 1941 and he rejoined the navy in January of 1942 and stayed until the war ended. He become a movie actor and was doing well. He turned down the role as commander McHale initially because he didn't want to ruin his movie career. One day a young boy came to his home selling candy bars and the boy told Borgnine he looked familiar. Borgnine told the boy he was James Arness. The boy said no he was not because he watched Gunsmoke every week on TV. Next Borgnine said his name was really Richard Boone. The boy said no because he watches Have Gun Will Travel on TV every week. Finally Borgnine gave the boy his real name and the boy said he never heard of him. The next day Borgnine called his agent and said get me that TV role. He realized that would get him more name recognition and that was what happened.
      When I told my parents I wanted to join the navy my parents wouldn't sign for me because I was 17, just 2 months shy of 18. My father claimed it was because I watched McHale's navy. That was not the reason; I wanted to learn how to work on radios.
      In the video Borgnine recalled a phone call he received from Washington D.C. He was summoned to the pentagon. He was not sure why, but when he got there he had lunch with the secretary of the navy. The secretary said Borgnine was the best recruiting agent the navy ever had.
      Here is another example to me how one simple decision can change a person's life in ways he/she never dreamed. I have had many examples of that in my lifetime. Tomorrow may be a day when you the reader will make a decision that changes your life. I hope that decision is a great one for you.
Copyright Bill Weber 2006-2019 and beyond.

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