Thursday, May 2, 2019

I figured it out today 190502

      This revelation came to me in a flash.

      Many people seem to be always angry these days. I thought about this for a long time now and today it became clear just why that seems to be true. The answer is very simple to me now. We have far too much processed foods in our diet. Processed foods have little to no fiber in them and are loaded with salt. Fiber is an essential part in our digestive system. Fiber is necessary for proper bowel movements and excess salt drys us out, adding to the problem.
      Many years ago I read that jungle tribes that had diets of plant-based foods had bowel movements roughly every 8 hours, while industrial societies often held on to fecal matter for many days at a time. Tribal people in jungles had no incidents of colon cancer while colon cancer is the bane of industrial countries. I recently read in a health article that we should not weigh ourselves in the morning unless we have a bowel movement beforehand. People can have up to five pounds of fecal material in their systems. My thinking is someone with five pounds of fecal material backed up, has a greater problem than his/her weight.
      My uncle Tom had a story he liked to tell. It went like this. Three boys were discussing which was the meanest animal in the world. The first said it was the gorilla because they were so strong and angry. The second said it was the lion because its big teeth could rip a body apart. The third one said they were both wrong. The meanest animal was a croc-agator, it has a crocodile mouth at one end and an alligator mouth at the other end. The first two asked how does it poop? The third boy said it doesn't and that's what makes it so mean!
      People with good digestion and regular bowel movements are happy, people without regular movements can't be happy. Big problem in America, simple answer.
      Joyce says angry people are just full of shit.
Copyright Bill Weber 2006-2019 and beyond.

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