Friday, April 5, 2019

Thoughts and Words 190405

      Just a few thoughts I had today.

      I was thinking; if I could use my left hand I would be ambidextrous. Then I thought some more and realized I could also be a polyglot if I could speak more than one language. I could be a scholar if I had a scholarship or a brain. I could be a burglar if I didn't have a conscience. I could be an admiral if I could lead a group in silent prayer. I could be an star athlete if I had good reflexes. I could be a computer programmer if I could understand coding and remember what I study. I could be a movie star if I had good looks. I could be a great man if I was brilliant and dedicated but I never was brilliant and I lost my dedication somewhere along the way. Nowadays I have to settle for just being a good man with a wife who loves me as I love her. That's not a bad thing and I am happy with it.
Copyright Bill Weber 2019 and beyond.

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