Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Thinking about Reincarnation 190402

      I know most people do not believe in reincarnation, but I do.

      My thinking is that God never made anything that goes away. Everything in nature dies and transforms into something else. Bodies become fertilizer, as people used to say when they died they would be pushing up daises. So when our souls depart our bodies I believe those souls come back in a different body and life begins all over again until we become nearly perfect and perhaps stay with our creator.
      I was talking to Joyce this morning when we were thinking about our deceased parents. I do not know how long it takes for a soul to acquire a new body. I think about my uncles and how long they have been gone from this plane and wonder where their souls might be by now? Our parents may or may not be back on earth in fresh new bodies. I think and sometimes I am concerned about when I will come back and in what body and what situation I could be reborn into.
      I remember every time from the first time I was in Japan I felt like I was home again. Joyce thought she was home again when she first went to California. Every one in California was welcoming to both of us and we enjoyed our time there, partly because most people were not born there so we were in the same boat as they were. For me in Japan, it was different because it was just 20 years after the war and they still remembered that well. Of course, in the navy towns they were happy for the business.
Copyright Bill Weber 2019 and beyond.

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