Sunday, March 31, 2019

Movies I liked as a kid. 190331

      I like this saying, when I was a child, I thought like a child. When I became a man, I thought like a man. Most grownups can see the horrors in war.

      I have always liked movies. When I was a child I loved war movies. My uncle Kenny was a marine in WW-2 and my dad was army. Now I prefer documentaries, mainly WW-2.
      WW-1 was an horrific event. 16,000,000 men died in France and Belgium. There were fields so full of shell craters it was impossible to walk in a straight line. Many were so large they created lakes that are still there today. There were battles where 40,000 men died in a single week. All those lives were lost for a few hundred yards of territory which was often lost another week later. In WW-2 there were upwards of 50,000,000 soldiers and civilians killed, along with an equal or greater number of survivor's lives ruined. Now I know some wars are considered necessary, but I am not sure if that is true. It could be or could be not necessary.
      I read a Richard Bach book some years ago and he spoke of a future where war might be something akin to paintball where the strategy and the event was like an Olympic game where sides agreed to accept whomever won in the games was the winner of whatever the cause of the war began as. I know that will seem silly to some people, but I think the only way to find out is to try it and hope the countries leaders might realize that it would be better to have a war exercise and see who would win in the real event and then decide if it is actually better to have a simulated war and no one would get killed instead of a real war where populations would suffer millions of causalities in the country they rule over. I may be wrong, but it would be interesting to find out the winner without loss of life.
Copyright Bill Weber 2019 and beyond.

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