Monday, March 25, 2019

The young men who fought for you in Vietnam and beyond 1903

      This 10 minute video shows how young these men were in Vietnam and hopefully why you should care for those who served there and for the 58,000 that came home in pine boxes. The video in the country of Vietnam and pictures here were taken during 1969-1970 By Steve Johnson.

      These young men had to live in filth and eat out of cans.

      During monsoon weather they crossed streams like this below.

      Most were just teenagers.

      They roamed and fought in disgusting snake and insect infested jungles.

      Living conditions were anything but stylish.

      My conditions with my service aboard ships three times off the coast of Vietnam during the war, with the long hours and crowded conditions seem like a vacation by comparison.

      The young soldiers currently serving in and during the past in Iraq and Afghanistan are still fighting and living in conditions John Q. Public does not begin to understand or would willingly tolerate. God bless and keep all of them and bring them home safe after their tours are over. World War Two veterans came home to parades and a thankful nation. Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan veterans have gotten none of that. I think that is a sad thing for our nation. All combat veterans deserve recognition and respect when they come home. To quote the famous Winston Churchill, "all gave some, some gave all."
      This just struck me; a tour to most people is a holiday vacation through Europe or on a luxury liner cruise ship. Even that is a lot different than what the navy calls a cruise on an aircraft carrier and far different than what the army and marine corps calls a tour.

Copyright Bill Weber 2019 and beyond.

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