Friday, February 1, 2019

The book says it all 190201

      I have always been fascinated by George Orwell's book "1984" that was written in 1948 but was about the future. The book was so prophetic it astounds me yet today.

      In the book he speaks about the three great warring powers, Oceania, Eurasia and Eastasia. They were constantly at war and the supreme leader could decide on any day how the sides would shift. It was always two against the third, but one was never sure how long it would be until that changed.
      Just yesterday I found out that Russia (Eurasia), China and Korea (Eastasia) are now aligning with each other against the United States and England (Oceania). The two powers are having joint war exercises against some other foe which would be Oceania (the US and England).
      The stage is set for this. The threat becomes more possible every day. I also found out a short time ago that Russia has been penetrating our electrical grid via cyber intrusion (preparing to disrupt it whenever they deem it necessary) and China has been penetrating our software (via cyber space) that controls the operation of our pipelines. Ask yourself why would they do that? Ask why those two would seem to be working in conjunction with each other on something that could paralyze this country?
      Call me silly; call me a conspiracy theorist, I don't care. I hope I am wrong, but the warning signs are flashing red.

Copyright Bill Weber 2018 and beyond.

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