Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Uncle Billy's plan 190122

      I called uncle Billy yesterday just to talk a bit and while conversing uncle Billy steered away from small talk toward something he saw on television.

      Here’s uncle Billy's plan to solve global warming as he laid it out to me. "Those scientists say they know there is global warming and they know what is causing it. They say that our atmosphere traps carbon dioxide and that makes the planet heat up. So why not send up one of those satellite things with a small atomic bomb to blow a big hole in the atmosphere and let the heat out and save the planet? Why don't all them supposed to be smart scientists come up with this simple answer?"
      Uncle Billy has an answer, but I am not sure it's the right one. He said he was going to try and call those NASA folks and sell them on his idea. I can only hope they don't agree with him.
Copyright Bill Weber 2018 and beyond.

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