Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Uncle Billy Calling 190123

      Uncle Billy called me a few hours after he told me about his idea to blow a hole in the atmosphere to let the global warming air out.

      Uncle Billy said "I called those NASA fellers and they thanked me for my idea, but I don't think they liked it." So he started thinking about another solution to global warming. He then said, "I bought a new electric car (pictured above) and I am starting to modify it." He went on to tell me he is going to take out the moon roof and replace it with a solar panel and then on the back end of the roof he will put some popup fans. Those two things will recharge the batteries as the car rolls down the street or on the highway.
      I asked him, wouldn't that look too funny for people seeing that on the roof of their cars? He had an answer for that too. "The moon roof cover will slide back over the top of the car when the engine shuts off and the fans will close back into the roof line at the same time so when the people approach their car it will look like nice any other car." "Well what about when the car is driving down the road?" I asked. He answered, "Who cares what those other people see? The owners don't have to look at it."
      So, does uncle Billy have a good idea for a change? If so, I need him to patent his idea before someone else does.
Copyright Bill Weber 2018 and beyond.

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