Sunday, January 13, 2019

Consciousness 190113

     I like this picture because it gives a graphical representation of what universal consciousness might be.

      Consciousness is defined as being awake and aware of his/her surroundings. That seems a simple definition of what is certainly a complex process.
     I like to think that there is some vast interconnection of thoughts we humans have and those thoughts, being energy, escape our brain through our skull cavity and go out into the universe and travel like radio waves. That leads me to believe that every thought that ever happened is still out there, somewhere.
     Mental telepathy is nothing new, several people have seemed to be able to read minds. How well and how many are able to do that is my question? Can some people actually do that and why can't we all do that? I think the energy from thoughts is there and it can be tapped and perhaps is there. We normal humans do get signs from other people's body language and maybe it is not a good thing if we all can receive other's thoughts. And then again it could be a better thing for our society and close relationships.
     What say you who read these words?

Copyright Bill Weber 2018 and beyond.

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