Sunday, November 25, 2018

An Alternative Reality Chapter 5

      Joyce did not seem convinced at all I had to say for several minutes after she heard my story. She knows that I sometimes exaggerate when I tell her stories. She sat there for another half-hour and said, “well if what you say is true, then let’s both get on that platform and go live in that nicer place. This dump is disgusting and I don’t want to be here.”
      Okay, I thought, what do we have to lose? I helped her to the floor below and then we went to the platform and slowly descended to the ground. By that time the roofers had long gone due to the time differential. We walked hand in hand to the home I had been living in before. Joyce was quite happy with the home and the neighborhood. I thought we had scored big time and would spend the rest of our days there in serenity.
      That lasted for two weeks when Joyce said her father was part native and he always talked about how he wanted to live in the past when there were farms and natives. She said she would like to go through that cave and portal to see what those olden days were like. I was apprehensive, not knowing if the portals would be the same or go to the same place in location and time, but I relented and off we went on our walk to the cave. I was hoping I found the right spot and not where the creature that chased me lived. I managed to get her to the correct portal and out we went into the beautiful lands I had visited before. The natives welcomed us once again, we enjoyed being there with no cell phones, no TV, no cars, no insurance to buy and after two weeks I asked Joyce if she was ready to go back. She surprised me when she said no, she wanted to live here in the wild. I was good with that.
      I made this one trip back through the portal to write this story and send it out in these five chapters. Now that you have the last chapter, I will return to my beloved waiting in our lodge and live our lives in peace and happiness (at least I hope so). We live a simple life gathering food and our friends supply us with fresh deer meat. Joyce is very good preparing and cooking the deer and our native friends enjoy her cooking so we have some wonderful gatherings together.
The End…….Or is it?

      Copyright Bill Weber 2018 and beyond.

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