Friday, November 23, 2018

An Alternative Reality Ch3

       I spent a week or more in the camp. They were nice to me, fed me and gave me a place to sleep. I was a guest and also a source of interest for everyone. I am usually someone, who is for the most part, in the background scenery, but here I was an object of curiosity and while it was fine for a day, it began to wear on me.
      One morning I awoke and decided to go back to the cave and hope to at least find my way back to the dimension and time where I was before entering the cave. Using my made up on the fly sign language I bowed my head to my hosts and indicated I was leaving. They seemed to understand and were perhaps tired of looking at me. It took me awhile to find the cave again and when I entered I had that same creepy feeling as when I first went into there.
      I must have made a wrong turn because when I followed the first hint of light and then got to the opening and passed through, there was no grass, no trees, it was like a concrete desert that appeared to have been through a war or something to that effect. My reaction was that somehow I had gone through another time warp was was in a future time that I was dread to even think about. It seemed that I was in a future time when my grandchildren would be dead or having to live in this world was too much for me to bear, so I stepped right back into the cave and tried another direction, hoping to at least return somewhat closer to where I could get back to Joyce, if that was possible at all.
      Back in the cave I was feeling my way around and when I heard a low, frightening, growl, I was about to soil myself before I turned and began to move as fast as I could to find another portal, any portal to avoid being gnawed to death by some unknown animal. I made another turn and saw a pinpoint of light. The growl was getting closer to me with every step I took. It was close enough I could hear paws scraping at the rocks on the floor of the cave. By now I was more concerned about not getting killed than I was about bumping into a wall and bruising my head. I began to run and that act triggered whatever was stalking me to make a full chase after me. It was now obvious that whatever it was, I had made it very angry or it was very hungry; I didn’t know, didn’t care; all I could hope for was to reach that opening. Suddenly the pounding paws got louder and I felt a slight scrape of claws going down my back...

      Copyright Bill Weber 2018 and beyond.

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