Saturday, October 6, 2018

You may not recognize this man 181006

      He is Frank Abignale and he is the real guy from the movie, "Catch me if you can;" of course he is 45 years older than when he did the deeds he did in the movie. The movie was written and produced by people who never actually met him and there were things in the movie that were were not actually true. I watched him yesterday in a UTUBE video of him speaking at Google for the young people there. The talk there was very good and at the end he took questions that were very enlightening.
      He was asked near the end about security in the modern digital age, if it was better or worse? It turns out security is far worse that it was 60 years ago and it is easier for hackers to steal identities and bank accounts.
      Here are some things he said we should know about Facebook. You should never have a head on picture of your face on in your Facebook account. Hackers can use facial recognition software and a head on picture can be duplicated and put on someone else's driver licence. Never put your correct birth date on Facebook. Never put your city or town of birth on Facebook. With those 3 things a hacker can easily steal your identity, and use it to take out loans, get credit cards, empty your bank account. I know this may sound crazy to you, so watch the video and it may make more sense to you. Also when you write a check it is easy for people to see your account number, the bank routing number and hackers can easily re-create that with checks found online and empty your account. Abignale said he uses his credit card as his checking account for most things because when you use a credit card for a purchase if someone skims your card, you are not responsible for any misuse. If you use a debit card and have that happen, you are screwed. He has never had a debit card and said he never will.
      I hope you will watch the entire video of 1 hour and 6 minutes and make the necessary changes to try to protect yourself. By the way, if you have your birth date on Facebook, you can change it to anything you want. They do not make it easy and it can be done 2 times; I know because I did that. You may get your birthday well wishes on a different day, but will still know your friends took the time to say Happy Birthday. After the second time Facebook sent a message I could not do it again. Here is a link to tell you how to do it.

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