Monday, October 8, 2018

Things I don't understand 181008

      I was out today and saw our apartment manager and a hired hand removing loads of junk from another apartment in our building, This is a nice place to live, but like many others, people only stay for a limited period of time and I get that. What I do not understand is why they leave so much junk. Today they were emptying trailer loads of things even after the tenant had a huge moving truck filled with his things a month ago. I have seen apartments here after people have moved out and all I can wonder is how those people live in such filth? Joyce and I are old and don't keep house like we did many years ago, but at least we do what we can and clean pretty good.
      There are so many apartments going up all over this area it astounds me. There must be some pretty good tax write-offs for people who build these things. We seem to live in an era when many people can shelter income in so many ways. We never had to worry about that, although I would not mind having to do so. I never had any desire to accumulate vast wealth and maybe that reflects poorly on me. I have always thought as long as I met my needs, I was good. It is obvious that many people do not feel that way. I am not saying they are bad, just different than me. I have always thought the more those people had, the more they had to worry about and I had enough worries because I worry about most everything already.
      I remember when I got out of the navy after 3 months into the year and I took off for 6 months, that year I paid more taxes than then president Nixon. I was a little bit peeved for many years, but then I found out much of his income sheltering was frowned upon by the IRS and he ended up paying a considerable penalty before he died. I suppose there is some minor justice in the world and if not perhaps after death.
      Here's a note on justice, there seems to be a dual standard in our justice system. A poor man who commits a minor crime goes immediately to jail and waits for his trial date (sometimes for a year or more) while a rich financier who steals millions of dollars gets to sit at home awaiting trail and seldom does more than a few months jail time if he is even sent to jail at all. With the Wall Street crash in 2008, those criminals that dodged the regulations and caused a major depression that required we taxpayers to pony up billions of dollars to bail the economy out, not a one of them was hauled away in handcuffs or was even charged with the biggest crimes in history. That gives me pause to wonder why?

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