Thursday, October 25, 2018

Bill, Dog, Garage 181025

      This has always been one of my favorite pictures. I don't look too bad, it has one of the best small dogs ever, my old truck and even my old Ford tractor. Why it's all the makings for a darn good country song.

      Drivin' down ole country roads
      the ole pickup was a part of me
      wind in my hair made me feel free
      my ole huntin' dog in back
      or in the cab there by my side
      was always happy for the ride
      the ole tractor was my pride and joy
      out in the pasture a cuttin' hay
      always made for a wonderful day
      now I'm livin' in the city
      the tractor and me got old and tired
      so I sold the tractor and I retired
      now the scenery is not as pretty
      sometimes I miss livin' on the ole farm
      specially in summer when the weather is warm
      here in the city it's comfy and no chores to be done
      back on the farm in the winter when the cold north winds would blow
      the ole house was so cold and the land was covered with ice and snow
      it's hard to miss that ole place so I don't even try
      when folks ask how come I left it's easy to say why

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