Wednesday, September 5, 2018

What if? 180905

      Let's suppose suddenly there were flying saucers over Washington D.C. and they began to attack with laser-like weapons, hitting hotels and businesses and homes, but avoiding congress and the White House. Congress would likely appropriate huge sums of money to ramp up our military and fight those invaders. Let's suppose that happened in Russia at the same time, but there too, the government buildings were spared and only civilian targets were chosen. People around the world would panic and give those governments anything they wanted to protect them from space invaders.
      Now suppose this was not space aliens, but actual saucers produced by back-engineering actual alien craft that have crashed here through the last 7 decades. Wernher von Braun (top US rocket scientist who designed the rockets that got us to the moon and back) predicted the very scenario I wrote about above. He linked it to president Eisenhower's final speech where Eisenhower stated "Beware the military industrial complex!"
      Yes this sounds fantastic. I describe a "False Flag" operation. You may say, "that doesn't happen." I never thought it did either, but that "False Flag" link above shows 42 admitted government false flag operations from around the world, and yes including the USA. The more flagrant ones are #8, #11, #14, especially #17, #30 and #31. Those last 3 numbers cover the false flag operations to ramp up the Vietnam war and start the Iraq war. These are not silly musing on my part. Each link goes right to the heart of the truth. I did not even include the false flag ops to invade Cuba, but they are there too.

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