Friday, September 14, 2018

Lucky for us 1809

      I was watching TV this morning and later reading news. It made me start thinking how lucky most of us are. Most of us are so fortunate and we do not even realize it. We live a pretty good life and never think about what could go wrong. In North Carolina a few days ago those there were thinking how nice things were living in a wonderful place with a good job and a short distance from an Atlantic beach. Today they are a hundred miles inland and their homes are being destroyed by a hurricane. Everything they have worked for and accumulated over a lifetime is being destroyed. I cannot imagine what that means for them.

      People living north of Boston, Massachusetts have their homes exploding from gas lines leaking. The interesting thing is the gas company is causing it and it can happen anywhere. Below are two screen shots from the Columbia gas company and they are so ironic I had to include their messages,

      The new gas lines were over pressurized causing the leaks and the explosions.

      No matter where we live, everything can be taken away and our lives ruined in a heartbeat. Those of us who have not yet had this experience are very lucky indeed. I think it is time to stop and think of how lucky we are for every good day we have. I almost lost Joyce last year and while her tribulations went on for 2.5 months and was extremely stressful for me (she did not even have an idea of what went on) I feel I am such a lucky man to have her with me today. I can't even begin to think about people in Syria have gone through for the last 4 years. The people I know and I too are so very lucky.

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