Saturday, August 18, 2018

Mufon files

      Some of you may think I am a little wacky with my obsession over flying saucers and I too am skeptical at some of what I see, but this picture above was caught on Google Earth satellite pictures. And though it is a saucer on the ground, it had to get there somehow and how would anything we have manage to get something that big into a wooded area? There's no top rotor like on a helicopter on that saucer.
      There is a History channel series that is exciting. The series is from Mufon files Mufon being the Mutual UFO Network. Episode one starts with some older news which you may already know, but later it gets to things I did not see before. Episode 2 gets more interesting. On my Chrome browser if I scroll down past the video playing the rest of the episodes are listed with a link to them. I have not yet watched the whole series, but what I have seen so far is good.
      The more I watch these types of videos the more I am convinced there are extra-terrestrials here. Some videos I find are crap, so I just go on to the next, always searching for more believable films. There is something in my head that tells me there is truth to these stories. China, Great Britain and Russia and south America have more sightings than we in the US have and their governments take the matter more seriously than our government does.

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