Wednesday, July 4, 2018

The 4th of July 2018

      For the 4th of July I have two links here, the first is a video of aircraft operations on the USS Kitty Hawk where I was pround to have served two cruises aboard. I never tire of watching videos on carrier operations even though I experienced and lived through them. There is never a dull moment on a flight deck, even when there is nothing but maintenance going on, it is fascinating just to be on deck and watch the goings on.
      Kitty Hawk
      The second video is the USS Enterprise which I spent another cruise aboard. Even though the Kitty was oil fired propulsion and the Enterprise was nuclear, there was very little difference aboard them. They were both the same size and inside looked exactly alike and without the frame numbers on the bulkheads you would never know where you were. They were both noisy during flight operations and vibrated 24 hours a day when underway. The bonus was you got to sleep in a vibrating bed all the time.

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