Monday, July 9, 2018

Stunning Realization 1807

      Joyce and I at 18.

      I was just thinking this morning. With our daughter being born when I was in the navy, I was overseas so many times after she was born I missed out on her early childhood and even after getting out of the navy years afterward I was so busy eking out a living that she was grown up before I knew what happened. I missed out on a lot with her, but never having a child before her I did not realize what I had missed. By the time I had a granddaughter I was home all of the time so I saw her grow up and experienced it all.
      Our granddaughter was visiting this weekend. She is at the age now when every time I see her she seems to grow and become more mature at a rapid pace that is near frightening. She is barely a child anymore, when she is only 14 years old. Joyce summed it up beautifully this morning when Joyce said, "I remember when she used to ask what's that sound grandma?" The sound was just a bird in a tree. Now she is asking about politics, current events, and very grownup things.
      Every time Joyce has shown her picture to people over the years, they inevitably have said that she looks just like Joyce, never like me. Joyce could never see the resemblance, but I did in small ways. As she has grown I have seen her change looks from her dad, to her mom, to her other grandmother. But the stunner was Saturday night when she came out in and showed us one of her costumes. I was astounded! She is just 14, but she looked exactly like Joyce when I met her at 18! If the kid had dark brown hair she would have been a dead ringer for Joyce. Joyce was at 18 the most beautiful creature I ever saw. Now my daughter was also beautiful at 18 and attracted every male critter around, she still is beautiful at let's say a more mature age, but she does favor my side of the family more than Joyce's.

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