Sunday, July 15, 2018

Joyce's Concerns 1807

      Joyce gets riled up these days when she sees what she perceives as incompetent politicians. It drives her crazy to think that to be a plumber, a hair dresser, a nurse, a doctor, a real estate agent and other careers you have to pass a course of study and a license examination to get a license to follow the profession, yet a politician has no requirements to pass to become a leader. Even if someone wanted to run for office and all they did was learn answers from a cheat sheet, they would know something about the constitution, American history and how the government is supposed to work.
      My thing is I wonder why so many smart men and women can do some very stupid things. For example, Peter Strzok who was harassed by congressional committees this past week for more than 10 hours, supposedly because he acted with bias as an FBI agent. Strzok (an army officer, prosecutor and 26 year FBI agent) was so much smarter than any of those conducting the inquisition, leaving them nothing but to harp on two stupid emails he wrote two years ago. This is my point exactly, such a smart man who did something so stupid it has cost him dearly.
      Neither Joyce nor I make up a brain trust, but then we are not in positions where a mistake costs serious damage to our nation.

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