Sunday, May 20, 2018

Smoking 1805

      I just picked up my cigarette pack and saw this on the side. “Surgeon general’s warning. Smoking by pregnant women may result in fetal injury, premature birth and low birth weight.” I always thought premature births were because guys did not marry their sweethearts until they were six months before delivery. Who knew it was smoking? Most any baby boomer had a mother that smoked, everyone did in the forties.
      My mother smoked all her life and delivered six children and all of us turned out okay; wait a minute, I have to think about that. I am not so sure about myself. Maybe I do have some drain bammage.
      The surgeon general who first said that is long dead now. Why then is it still on the cigarette packs? Maybe a poem by Edgar Allan Poe or Robert Frost would be better on a cigarette pack. At least maybe more people would read that, unless it was like the directions on a prescription bottle in such small print no one can read it.

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