Thursday, May 3, 2018

Sitting, waiting 1805

This post was written on April 30, 2018. We are still waiting on the results of Joyce's test.

Sitting and waiting, not knowing what to expect
Is everything okay, or what did the doctor detect
Sitting here wondering, while hours pass away
As time lingers on, going through another day

A long life is but a speck in time you see
But time in a waiting room is an eternity
In the last few months it feels like time stood still
With my countless hours in waiting rooms to fill

Joyce had an Irish exploratory exam today
Angie O’Gram, they called it by the way
The results are not at all clear today
So what’s next, will be after a delay

I thought today would be a wonderful event
Good news or great news from heaven sent
But now we’re back in the big fish tank, to swim or to sink
I was originally hopeful, but now don’t know what to think

I started writing this feeling pretty good
Before an inkling of where things stood
Now I wait, I wonder, I hope and pray
That better news comes without delay

I finished the above before the results came back
Now once again we may be under attack
We don’t know if the results are just a diversion
Or a full scale invasionary incursion

We’ll just have to wait and see
Whatever the next results will be
The end game seems to be elusive
So far nothing is yet conclusive

I dream, I pray, I hope for a day
When everything will be going our way
It’s obvious we are still not there
Would you bless us with a prayer?

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