Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Long Ago and far Away 1805

      Long ago what happened was meant to be
      A sailor returned from the open sea
      The old sailor was finally salt free

      He did his time on the ocean blue
      He was a patriot through and through
      But he longed for something new

      He planned out what he wanted to do
      He was determined to see it through
      But dreams do not always come true

      He set his course in a different direction
      Hoping he made the proper selection
      As always he sought perfection

      But setting one's sights too high
      Is often a course bound to go awry
      Reality is rarely found in blue sky

      The old sailor tried and tried
      But eventually his dreams died
      At times the old sailor was fit to be tied

      The old sailor is still alive today
      His dreams died but never faded away
      His thoughts go there every day

      He drinks his beer and swallows his pride
      Baring his soul with nothing left to hide
      As Popeye once said,"I am what I am and that's all I am"       

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