Sunday, May 6, 2018

Ford dropping passenger sedans from production 1805

      In just found out that Ford is ending sedan production in the next years. Except for the Mustang, they are only going to make trucks and SUV types. There may be a new Focus crossover model in 2 years. Ford will make hybrid crossovers in SUVs and even the F-150 will have a crossover model.
      Electric and hybrid are the wave of the future. I predict all gasoline only production cars will be a thing of the past in 10 years. There will still be the hybrid gas/electric, for longer than that, but eventually everything will all electric except for the really big trucks and road equipment.
      I drove a Ford C-Max hybrid this winter and was very impressed with everything about it. My concern was the cost and not being sure about reliability of all the electric motors. I heard it was very good, but I am just not sure that I could get over worrying about whether the mechanics know enough about it to repair them in short order. The electric motors are super quiet and very smooth and the electric runs the car until it hits about 40 mph. They use very little gas around town. I would love to have one, but now knowing about this change for Ford, I think I will wait until they have more experience maintaining the new Hybrids.

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