Friday, May 18, 2018

Clouds, aircraft carriers and Singapore 1805

      I saw this cloud and it looked like an aircraft carrier far out at sea.

      For some reason the sight of the cloud made me think about when we had carrier qualifications, running up and down the California coast in a racetrack pattern so pilots could practice taking off and landing. Someone out at sea must have seen our carrier from a distance and what they saw looked like this picture of the cloud, but with more of a grey color.
      I remember being at sea, but never having much time to just look out and enjoy the ocean. We were always either launching or recovering aircraft or working on planes up on the flight deck. Most of my time was on the 7 pm to 7 am shift, so there was never much daylight for me until we were in port. In Singapore we had to anchor way out in the deeper part of the harbor and I would get up early in the morning and go up on deck. It was interesting to me because even that 84,000 ton ship would swing around on the anchor so every morning there was a different view to enjoy.
      Singapore was such an interesting place. It is very near the equator so it is hot there. I am a World War 2 buff and Singapore was an early conquest by the Japanese in the war, the first place I went to was the Raffles hotel to sit on the veranda under the huge slow moving fans and sip on a true Singapore Sling, just like Rudyard Kipling and Sumerset Maugham did and I wanted to be where they and British soldiers would relax when off duty before the war. Below is a modern picture of the veranda; it has been very modernized and updated since 1972. When I was there it was the same as it had been for decades before the war.The center garden area was still there;it was grass covered and the palm trees were not as tall.

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