Monday, April 23, 2018

With the rich and mighty, always a little patience

      This title is an old Spanish quote by the same name. I do not want to sound envious in this post, because I am not, but some may think so and I have no way to change anyone’s mind. The post is about the wealthy and their situations that I have observed in my experience.
      I had my TV shop way back in time and went into households that were wealthy and those who were not. One consistent theme was those without much money were the most willing to pay and not complain. Those who were wealthy always complained about most everything even my meager bill for repairing the TV set.
      It seems the captains of industry usually go through multiple marriages; they are philanderers and all they can think about is gaining more and more money, far beyond what they can spend. Philandering is not just for the wealthy, but it is far more prevalent among those at the top of the food chain. I have no explanation for that or can even speculate about that.
      I admit in my stock market trading days, (many decades ago) I began to think like they do. Making more money was all I thought about and nothing else was as important. I was making about $75 a day working, ( a good salary at the time) I would get up in the morning and grab a copy of the Wall Street Journal to see how I did the previous day. Sometimes I had made $300 or more by not working and I began to think, why am I bothering to work today? I could be sitting in a coffee shop, reading the Journal, trading and making 4 times as much money. Only one time did I listen to a stock broker and only one time did I lose money. I did not realize at the time the broker’s interests were different from mine. His interests were making money for him and the business by pushing whatever the company was pimping. I lost a bundle in one day. Thinking like a wealthy man, I knew I could write off the losses over 3 years of income averaging at the time and still come out ahead. The stock I was talked into was a swindle. The company CEO and top officers knew there was a big hit coming (that they hid from the reporters who make their living interviewing the the captains of industry) and they were selling as the stock continued to rise before the fall. The facts came out after the drop in price.Over the years I have spent all the money I made on subsistence during some very lean times. Now that I have little left, with no job, no savings and no one to envy me because of what I had accomplished, I know the friends I have now are real because I have nothing they can benefit from by being with me. I am happier than I have been in years. I have Joyce after 54 years now and I had just an inkling of what it would be like to live without her during her near death experiences of 2017.
      One last thing I would like to say is this: I have known people who lived and still live on welfare and they were/are never happy (unlike the politicians would try and make you believe). I suspect no one is happy with a life where they do not earn their keep.

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