Saturday, April 21, 2018

Happy Days, lost my mind? 1804

      Here it is a cool, cloudy Saturday in spring. In the past this would have bothered me, but now, not so much. Here is the deal, I know that I am in the December of my life and I do not have time to waste on being unhappy, worried about the future or disappointed with life..
      My Joyce has lived through an experience that her doctors have all said it is a miracle she is alive today. She is slowly getting better every day now. The doctors have all said that she will continue to recover in the next year. I have her back with me after so many days last year when I did not know if that would ever happen. Her problem at the moment is she has ischemic optic neuropathy. The opthamologist told her on Thursday that her optic nerve is damaged, but not dead, so it may continue to recover. All I can think about that is I am happy she has hope at this point.
       I am currently finding pleasure in simple things in life, seeing children with their mothers, looking forward to a warm sunny day, seeing flowers in the nursery, enjoying a cold beer, helping Joyce prepare supper, fixing her breakfast for her, just talking to people I have never seen before and likely will never see again, trying to make the day a little brighter for other people. It is my hope that this being drunk on life continues. I have never experienced this before. Maybe my brain somehow got funny; I do not know.

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