Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Some Observations 1804

      Have you ever noticed how an extra 2 inches can make a lot of difference? I am pretty sure any housewife can verify that. Just today I was in my small walk in closet at home and found that after adding an extra set of shelves it was too closed in when I tried to get around the open door. So I moved the shelf over just an extra 2 inches and it was amazing how big a difference it made.
      I went to the bank this morning to cash a check. As I entered the drive up lane, there was a radio commercial from a local heating and A/C company that said now is the time to check your A/C unit. I remembered that the car A/C always blows hot air for a few moments the first time it is turned on for the season, so I pressed the A/C button to get that out of the way before I really needed the A/C. Like always, it came on with hot air. I let it continue, waiting for things to cycle and bring on the cold air. It was still blowing hot as I finished and pulled away from the bank. I said to myself, "Oh darn" ( I really said oh shit!) the A/C has quit working. I stopped and looked at the dashboard, like that was going to change the situation. Well in this case it did. What I saw was I still had the temperature set for maximum heat. The good news is, after turning it to cold, the air turned to a crisp flow and then fogged up the windshield. All was well for the moment.
      Because I was already in the car, I decided to stop at Walmart for some beer and bananas (not for consumption at the same time.) I was looking at something inside the store when my neighbor walked up (disguised as Walmart employee) and when she saw that I saw her, she said, "hi neighbor". I said, "hi" and that was it. She has never been friendly before. She has always been like an FBI agent, seeing all but saying nothing. She walks by our sliding glass door every day and looks to see what I am doing. I left the store and parked behind me was the same Chevy with the same man in it that has been parked behind my car the last 3 times I have stopped at Walmart. He wasn't there when I parked, but was there when I came out of the store. There is no such thing as coincidence when it happens every time I am out and about or when the same woman keeps watching to see what I am doing on a daily basis. I do not know what I have done to be on the FBI’s radar and if I knew what it was, I might stop doing it. On the brighter side, I feel safer knowing that there is an FBI agent nearby watching me at all times.

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