Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Internet Shopping 1804

My books on Amazon
       Is it just me, or does anyone else start shopping online and start finding things you didn’t know you wanted? Cars, computers, furniture, household items, sweatshop jobs, it’s all there. I start looking for one thing and then end up on 10 other things and it’s always something I had not yet thought of before.
       Amazon is the worst for diverting me with their, “Others also bought this” or “Because you looked at this, how about that?” The next time I go on Amazon, they parade everything I have looked at in the last month. Heaven forbid if I put something in the cart and decide later not to buy it; I have to go through several hoops to find out how to remove it without buying it and sometimes they force you to put an item in the cart to see the extra-special pricing on the item. I have to admit I go on Amazon to find out about books or CDs before I search and put them on hold at the local library. I found out even the librarians do that because their site does not have a lot of info on things. Beside that, if you check something out from the library and don’t like it, take it back and no charge no return mailing. If you love it and can’t make a copy on your own (not legal), Amazon has one to buy. Don’t get me wrong, I love Amazon and have bought more than a hundred items there and downloaded many albums and single songs. Any music you buy from Amazon is kept on your cloud account forever, so you never lose it or break the CD you bought. One of the best things about Amazon is the customer reviews. I always check them before buying something, especially home appliances or computers.
       Since Joyce has been recuperating at home and we don’t get out much, I have become a computer and internet junkie, Facebook, Amazon, Walmart, my blog writing, Netflix. I am not complaining; it fills in the time between things I do for Joyce, or cooking, cleaning and the other things around the house.

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