Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Doctors and computers 1804

       Here we are at the age of doctoring. Joyce’s condition and my little maladies keep us going to see these mavens of medicine. We both have been to doctors more since October 2017 than in our entire 72 years on this planet. It would appear that once we have been sucked into this vortex of medicine and practitioners we are locked into their grasp and as yet unable to break through to freedom. I have to have a calendar handy to keep track of what, when and where we need to go and who to see.
       Since October our main forays out of the house are to doctors and grocery stores. Being mainly housebound except for going to the doctors and grocery has made us both a little tired and crazy. Joyce survives watching politics on TV, while I bang away on this life saving device called a computer. Joyce gets her blood pressure up with all the politician's shenanigans, while mine is kept at high levels with the tribulations of computer operations and help searches that are out of date and just not possible. I can see why many people no longer turn on their computers and just use smartphones. Be they android or Apple, they seem to do everything and do it well without all the updates that add new things to a computer and take away the things I have managed to learn and work with over the years.
       That said, as long as there are computers in my life, there will be beer. And that said, I think I will have another beer.

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