Sunday, April 1, 2018

Age Appropriate 1804

       I am well on my way toward 73 years of age. The question at this point is, what is age appropriate? I only remember being this old just this one time, so I have no reference as to what age appropriate is. I wonder sometimes if I should be hanging out at the American Legion post playing Bingo and swapping stories with all the oldtimers at the bar there. My neighbor Greg is about my age, ex-Vietnam vet and he is unable to walk without a walker and spends 90% of his time in his apartment. His car has sat in his handicap parking space for all of the two years we have lived here and never once moved. The tires go flat and one of his family members pumps them up on occasion. His only outings seem to be on the OATS bus to go to Walmart’s gas station to buy cigarettes or to buy snacks in the super store.
       Here is what I do know; I enjoy seeing all the children at the grocery store, but feel sad for the young women there trying to wrangle two or three young ones with another infant or toddler in the grocery cart. The moms do well, but I can’t help but feel sorry for them. I feel hope for our country when I see how well the moms do. When I see that I think our country will survive, unless the grownups decide to exchange nuclear weapons with some other country.
       When we are out at the grocery or in the past at the casino, I have noted people older than me, hobbling about and still taking care of themselves. That gives me hope. At the casinos, I have seen and spoken with young men and women that are taking the time to escort their aging parents to play a few slot machines or play cards at the tables and that makes me feel good that the young still care about the old. I do not know how much longer I will be able to drive; I am still pretty good at the moment, but that can change. Joyce is no longer able to drive and I know I could be knocked out of being able to drive at any moment. Then again, any trip down the street or the highway I could be hit by some careless driver and end things for both of us.
       Life is a gamble for all of us. I have known people who died in their twenties, thirties, forties, fifties, sixties and that is the one thing we never know when it will happen. I am reminded of one of my favorite jokes: a guy said he wanted to die as his grandpa did, falling asleep and driving off a cliff to his death, unlike the other 4 passengers in the car who no-doubt were kicking and screaming all the way down. Remember that next time you are in the car or truck and grandpa insists he is going to drive. Until that happens I will continue to enjoy my beer and smokes until the grim reaper comes a calling.

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