Saturday, March 31, 2018

Change needed in our government

       I sometimes think we should make changes in government. This is my current idea. We need a 3 party government. This would be done and enforced with the house and senate divided in 3 parts, republican, democrat and centrist. A centrist is a moderate. They can shift between slightly right or left or hold to a middle way. This would force the right and left to speak with the other sides in order to get things done. The right would have to shift slightly left and the left shift slightly right, giving us a center away from the extremes that do not seem to work. It seems to me this would be beneficial to the country as a whole.

       Another thing would be to make all bills a single issue, no earmarks. A third thing would be term limits on all offices. We always speak of the founding fathers of this country. Their thoughts were elected government service is a privilege and never thought of as a lifetime job. We need more young people in government with fresh ideas. Our founding fathers were all young and look at what they did. Their average age was 44, with more than a dozen 35 and some were teens and twenty somethings.

       I am nearly 73 and I know how difficult it is to accept new things and I am more ready than most men my age. I think this one change would make America so much better for everyone.

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