Friday, April 27, 2018

A very strange thing happened Chapter 2

      As I wandered about I saw an army helicopter airfield and decided to go there to ask for help. The guards at the gate were not willing to let me in, the commanding officer happened to be approaching the gate and when he stopped to ask what was going on, the guards told him there was some crazy man trying to get in and see him with some wild story about strange creatures that were invading his house. The commanding officer told them to have me come over and speak with him. I described the creatures and what was happening and he told me to get in his car. We turned around at the gate and went to the operations office where he summoned his team of special operators to brief them on the situation. None of them looked shocked at all. They left and the commanding officer turned to me and said I would need to go with him in the lead helicopter to show them the way to our home. We departed with 4 other helicopters, 2 gunships and 2 troop ships. I asked, “what the hell is going on here?” He said, “we are aware of this phenomenon and we have a particular way of handling it.” I pointed out the house from the air. He asked, “are all the same cars and trucks were still there?” I indicated they were indeed still there as when I left. “Good,” he said. He got on the radio and told the gunships to fire on the target.
      “Wait a minute,” I said, “my wife and dog are in that house!”
      He turned to me and said, “sorry mister, but these invaders have got to be eliminated. They have been sighted around the country and they are not really human and by now your wife and dog are both being prepared for consumption if not already eaten.” The gunships unloaded their rockets and the house exploded in a ball of fire. The troops landed and searched for any stragglers that may have still been on the grounds, or in the wreckage. I lost a wife and a dog, but saved countless other lives and maybe a large part of the country, still the sadness remains. The army gave me a ride back to the grounds where my house once stood after the special operators had checked out the grounds for any remaining creatures. They had notified the press that there had been a propane explosion on the property, which was, in a way, definitely true.
      The good news is, the dog had been frightened when all those creatures started entering the house and she ran off into the woods on a neighboring property. Joyce had followed after her to calm the dog and get her back home. They were quite far away when the explosion occurred and were just walking back as I got there. We decided to get an apartment in a nearby town and here we are now able to write you about what happened.
      Something very strange happened as I finished writing this story. I looked on Google images for something to use as a picture for the story and the first thing I saw was a possibly real story about a real man who shows up in the middle or late night at people’s front door. Sometimes my mind comes up with ideas for stories and they turn out to be true.

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