Friday, April 27, 2018

A very strange thing happened Chapter 1

      This all started when I was awake in the computer room in our country home. It was in pre-dawn hours so I had the lights on and was writing a story on my huge desktop computer. I heard noise out on the road and saw two cars going up and down like they were searching for something. I was going to turn the lights out and hope they didn’t see the house in the darkness, but it was too late. I thought maybe they were just kids fooling around so I went out on the porch, with my combination pistol and cell phone on my hip to let my presence be known and hope they would see it and leave peaceably. By the time I got out the door there were several cars and trucks that rolled up. Their apparent leader was a very tall, thin, pale, almost gray male creature, while the rest of them were rather short and thin in stature, but with the same pallid features. They all had very large, coal-black eyes. He and they seemed unafraid of me and my pistol. They looked like they needed some red meat in their diets to get some color back into their skin. I began to think perhaps we were possibly the red meat they needed. Instead of going away they started swarming onto the grounds and into the house. They were all dressed in black and I could not get them to leave. When I went back into the house, they were unloading their gear like they were moving into the place. I knew things were out of my control so I snuck out the back door and rode an old motorcycle I kept in back of the garage to go into the local town and get the police. I could not find the police at first, so I went to the local businesses I knew because they would know how to contact the police, but they were all closed. I headed toward the next town, but it had grown so large it was like one big new city. It had been so long since I left our country home that I did not know where to go. I finally saw a policeman and told him what was happening and he said he would round up his officers and get them ready to help out. I left and was going to head back home but my motorcycle was gone and then I got lost wandering around and realized that the police did not know where I lived, so there would be no help coming out to save us from the invading cult. I could not even find my way back to tell the police where to go. I pulled out my combination pistol and cell phone to call home, but realized it was now only good for incoming calls because the dialing keys had been somehow been electronically jammed and would not work. What was I going to do?...
      If you read this far, look for chapter 2 and read to the end for something really strange.

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