Saturday, March 10, 2018

The real story 1803

      Here is a picture from a CIA file
It was declassified in June of 2013

      I found an interesting story in the Washington Post about real UFO's. I wanted to share a link, but discovered you would not be able to see the story, so here is a screen shot of part of the story.

      I know I have written some silly things about ET’s and UFO’s which I have slowly began to believe more and more, but now I am even more sure this is a very real situation. The article goes on telling that the pentagon and intelligence agencies do not want to admit there is a problem or that they exist, all the while they have secretly begun to open another secret program to study the phenomenon.

      They may be friendly, may not be friendly, but with their very advanced technology, we can only hope they are because if they are not, we are in deep dodo.

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