Thursday, February 15, 2018

Security Job

      Well I finally found a job. I’m the new camera security man at Bra World in the mall downtown. I had to go through three separate interviews to secure the job. The last interview was for the managager to decide whether to choose between me and some woman who also applied for the job. The manager really preferred the woman, (something about keeping the security booth cleaner) but she wanted more money than I was willing to work for.

       The job entails sitting in the security office and watching security cameras trained on the women trying on new bras in the changing booths. It’s a hard job; well it’s been hard for me ever since I started. But I’m showing great initiative, putting in 16-hour days so far. I don’t know how long I can keep it up, but I’m trying.

      I found out a few 20-something young women don’t wear bras when they go shopping. That way they can take several bras into the change booth, try them on, and keep the one they like on their person and then take the rest back out to the sales counter and leave thinking they won’t get caught. When that happens I have to put it away and rush down to the sales floor to intercept the ladies before they get out of the store. I bring them back to the security office and try to help them remove the stolen bras. Sometimes that puts me in an awkward position, but I turn away, straighten it out and then continue retrieving the stolen bra.

      I know that this sounds like an ideal job, but I assure you it can get ugly at times.

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