Wednesday, February 14, 2018


The state of Missouri has a state motto; “the welfare of the people shall be the supreme law.” I suppose all states have them. We were driving all the way across Kansas in 2009 (I have no axe to grind against Kansas,) but when driving 300 plus miles across Kansas these potential state mottoes just popped into my head:

Kansas, the boring state,​

Kansas, miles and miles of nothing but miles and miles,

Kansas, the vacation spot that will make you happy to go home,

Kansas, it’s where boredom is king.

Kansas, let’s watch the grass grow.

Kansas, it’s where yawns come every minute.

Kansas, arg! we’re home again Toto!

Kansas it’s where minutes seem like hours.

Kansas, it’s where life stops until you find your way out.

Kansas, it’s where the scenery never changes.

Kansas, it’s purgatory on earth.

Kansas, nothing as far as the eye can see.

Kansas, it’s where you pray for a short lifetime.

Kansas, get me out of here!

Kansas, please don’t make me live here.

Kansas, it’s where nightmares come true.

Kansas, it’s where swatting mosquitoes is a pleasant diversion.

Kansas, it’s no wonder why no one lives here.

Kansas, where everyone exceeds the speed limit trying to get out faster.

The most interesting thing we observed was two young girls in a BMW convertible racing past us at 80 plus miles per hour, neither of which were looking at the road, but rather were engaged texting something on a cell phone.

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