Thursday, February 1, 2018

John from Outer Space Chapter 6

      We walked out through the swinging doors of the bar and into the casino along with a friendly entourage of security men in tow. We stopped at the 3 card poker table and John sat beside the shuffle master. He lost the first 2 hands (on purpose?) and then hit a straight flush with $25.00 bet on each spot. The security guys looked at each other and then shrugged their shoulders. No one saw anything hinky and when the pit boss checked the cards they saw nothing wrong. The surveillance guys upstairs okayed the payout. I did not have time to count the payout, but it was a lot of black ($100.00 chips) and a few green ($25.00 chips) stacked up there. John set out the same bets on the next hand and had an ace high royal flush in spades, the highest payout in the casino. The security guys were astounded! The pit boss shook his head in wonderment. The eyes in the sky upstairs called down and said to pay John off and invite him to leave. The pit boss told John he had to leave the table; John said okay, picked up his chips and headed for the 4 card poker table. The security guys headed him off and told him he was not welcome to play there either. John started to protest the ruling, but I convinced him to just cash in his chips and walk back to the bar where we could have another beer and calm down.

      The news about the 2 huge hands and the money made spread like wildfire through the casino. John and I sat at the bar and had a few more beers. John was more than a little annoyed with the casino management. He calmed down when another hottie walked up to the bar. In 60 seconds he had her under his spell. The 2 of them danced the night away, having a great time while I was still buying the beers. Last call for alcohol was sounded and we ordered another round. John and the new hottie were already exchanging foreplay moves. 20 minutes later we were forced to leave. We left through the swinging doors of the bar and then walked out the front door exit.

      We headed toward my car. The lot was fairly empty at that point, except for 4 big bruisers who had their car blocking mine in the lot. John asked politely if they would move their car so we could leave. The biggest guy said they certainly would for $2000.00. John popped him with one of his lightning fast punches and then went right down the line on the rest of them. All 4 were on the ground and probably out for the night. John stacked them aside like cordwood, leafed through their pockets to find the keys to their car and fired the engine up. John turned to me and said, “Bill, me and what’s her name here are heading to Vegas.” They hopped into the bad guy’s car and drove out of the lot headed west, leaving me wondering if I would ever see John again…

      The End… or is it?

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