Saturday, February 3, 2018

Humans 1801

      Our God given human bodies are nice, some are very nice, but we are not particularly efficient. An ant can lift and carry 50 times its own weight; we struggle to lift and carry 1/2 our weight. An elephant never forgets, while we are very forgetful, in some cases that may be a good thing. A dog can eat rank garbage and survive, we cannot hardly look a garbage without feeling queasy. A wild turkey knows everything needed to survive the moment it is hatched, while we take 18 to 50 years to know what we need to survive. A baby lamb is able stand at birth to nurse and in a few days it can run and keep up with the flock; we take a year to walk and longer than that to do most of the things humans do.

      The good news is humans are given the desire to breed for the continuation of the species, or just for fun. Male animals always have a desire to breed but female animals limit it to specific times in a year. Chalk up one win for humans.

      The bad news here is that technology is advancing with the mechanics of robots and artificial intelligence gives them far greater brain power than a human being. The software for artificial intelligence is written by men and women with human influence written into the code. The code allows for the robots to learn and reason as humans and therein lies danger for us. The robots will soon figure out they no longer need humans on the planet.

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