Friday, January 26, 2018

John from Outer Space Chapter 1

      I was sitting in an Oklahoma casino bar sipping on a beer when this guy came in and sat beside me at the bar. He introduced himself to me and started a conversation. He asked what I did for a living. I said I was retired, so I spend a lot of time writing about things. He said, “Buy me a beer and I’ll tell you a story to write about.”
      “Sure,” I replied. He tells me that he and his crew came to earth a year ago to start a colony here. “Really?” I questioned.
      “Yes, we were entering the atmosphere here without realizing how our speed and angle was all wrong and our saucer began to overheat, we all passed out from the heat and the saucer crashed in the Oklahoma salt flats ( this location really exists) I was the only one who revived. The saucer was too far gone to take off again, so I morphed into this human form and walked away. I was walking by a group of humans when I saw a large military detachment headed toward the crash site in a big hurry. There were helicopters overhead the site acting like a beacon for the ground troops as they headed there. Later on I saw a huge flatbed trailer go by carrying off the remains of the saucer. I have spent the last year colonizing with a bevy of beauties that are beginning to deliver hybrid humans.”
      “Wow,” I said, “So how long will it take you to finish your colony?”
      “Mine will take the rest of my life, but there are others already here for many years and have developed colonies in the tens of thousands around your Earth. Once the numbers go into the tens of millions your people will will be notified.”
      “So what are the intentions of all the different colonizers here?” I asked.
      “Oh, you’ll find out when the time is right” he answered.
      “Should I be worried?” I asked.
      “Why worry when there is nothing you can do about it?” he replied.

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