Monday, October 16, 2017

The more things change, the more they stay the same 171016

I have been ill this last week and have not felt like writing anything. Sitting at the computer I started looking through old files I had backed up from years ago. I found this below as a web page back when I had my own server and wrote all of the HTML code myself.
What was interesting to me when I looked at this page is the fact that when we think things are changing, they remain the same. Read this below and see what hasn't changed in 14 years.
Change the word Baghdad below to ISIS and it fits.

The Sentinel February 20, 2003

   'The Sentinel' Printed underground in Missouri.

    We never let facts get in the way of a good story!

         Sometimes I'm in a mood and nothing can make me feel better. So I don't write as much as I want. Even during those times, I pick up bits and pieces that are funny, or at least relevant.

 These are some of the bits and pieces of my existence. Official North Korea radio declared this week that in any confrontation between North Korea and the U.S., would be won by North Korea. The future of North Korea is more radiant than ever!
         I think the pun here is a bad choice of words for the Koreans, radiant is a form of the word radiation, which is a byproduct of a nuclear bomb drop! Say goodnight Kim!

The local day care center for older adults announced that the center would be open on the day of our last blizzard, but there would be no transportation for the elderly. So I guess people should get up early so Grandma can get an early start walking to day care? Is this a part of the government's "Head Start" program? 
         On the last day of the blizzard, local schools were closed. I found that without schools in session, my commute was quite swift and without traffic. I have written to the local school board asking them to keep school closed until after I retire. 
         We are currently embroiled in what the government calls 'A war on terror'. It occurs to me we could fight fire with fire. Why not fly over Baghdad and drop leaflets stating: "all innocent citizens leave immediately! We will return in 24 hours and rain down upon this place with fire!" Then do nothing for three days. Then fly over again and drop the same leaflets. Do nothing again. On the third time, just when they think we are bluffing, fly over and unleash a dozen napalm across the edge of town to really scare the dog doo out of them. I think Baghdad would clear out in a matter of days after that. I only hope that when the napalm started dropping that the fire wouldn't ignite the cloud released as the citizens of Baghdad filled their burkas with methane gas. 
         I wish you love, peace and happiness, today and always, Bill

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