Saturday, August 5, 2017

Reincarnation 1708

I know a lot of people do not like this subject, but I believe it is true. I remember when I was a child; I thought about Japan a lot. When I was just a child there was a Japanese woman in our neighborhood who would have coffee with my mother. That was just the early fifties and not many liked her being there, but I felt very comfortable when she was in our home. My grandfather used to take me fishing during the same time period and there was a young Japanese man who would be there most of the time. I was always drawn to him too. When I was in Yokosuka, I felt at home and even the area seemed familiar. Another thing, when I was a growing child I would go into my grandfather’s room in the evenings and we would talk. Frequently he would ask me how I knew something I said. My reply was, “I do not know how; I just know it.” The things I said were beyond what a child my age would know and I was not a reader in those days. I wish I still had knowledge beyond my years. Some people think they are descendants of kings or famous people and there are services on the internet that will tell them that they are those descendants. Me, I just think I once lived in or around Yokosuka.
Joyce’s sister’s first complete sentences were about how and when she rode with the cowboys. She could elaborate on those adventures.
Our daughter Annie was still in a high chair munching Cheerios from her tray, but when someone Chinese was on TV she would perk up and begin answering them. I do not speak Chinese but Annie would be chattering back in what sounded Chinese to me.
Joyce has always been fearful of heights. I asked her one time why she was that way. Her answer was she knew exactly what it felt like to fall and die from a high place.
I recently watched a show with a young man who began having nightmares as a 3 year-old about being shot down in World War Two with his plane in flames. He told his father about the dreams and his father played along and asked him where this happened. The boy said near ChiChi Jima. Dad asked him what ship he flew from. The boy gave him the name. The boy was signing his little childish drawings of planes dog-fighting as James 3. The father asked why because he was James junior. The boy replied he was James 3 because his name in WWII was James ___ when he flew off the ship. The father’s curiosity was inflamed and he got on the internet to research the boy’s story. The name of the ship was correct, the crew roster had a pilot with the name the boy had given and that pilot was shot down near ChiChi Jima. The boy was not yet old enough to read, so the memories had to be from a past life.
Another story, a 10 year-old girl in India had from her first ability to speak told of her husband and all of her aunts and uncles from her previous life in a town 100 miles away. Her mother and father grew tired of hearing all this from their 10 year-old, so they took off with the daughter and left for the town she spoke of. They arrived there and her husband from her previous life was still living there and all the aunts and uncles were just as the girl said they were.

This is my case and I have no stake in whether anyone else believes as I do. Even the bible says we will all rise from the grave come judgement day. I do not see that as too far a stretch from reincarnation before then.

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