Wednesday, August 2, 2017

A Dream Last Night

I had this dream last night; all the people in it (my mother, father, grandfather and Joyce’s mother) were dead except for me. Now I know that Christians believe they will be resurrected after death. There is no reference I know of that says how that will work. When my mother was dying, she saw my grandfather (her father) and my father standing in the corner of her room waiting for her for a week before she died. I can only assume that we come back as we left as old people, but I never thought to ask my mother what age they were. Some will say we come back as spirits, but there must be more than that because spirits without bodies would not be recognizable and they would be bumping into each other and someone dying could not see them.
I suppose some would argue with this summation, but if you have different thoughts let me know. I am open to other thoughts.

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