Thursday, August 31, 2017

Just a few notes today 170831

Today we were sitting outside in wonderful weather having a beer. What are the chances of that happening? There were two huge Chinook helicopters that flew over at a very low altitude and they are very loud. Joyce was frightened. It makes me wonder how the army can deliver troops in Afghanistan and think they are sneaking them in?
I remember one time we were going to Las Vegas in the eighties and on the other side of the highway through the desert there was what looked like an entire marine corps division heading the opposite way. We thought maybe the US had gone to war and we had not heard about it. I hit the gas and sped up toward Las Vegas, thinking if the world was going to end we wanted to be in Vegas.
If you read my post about criminals yesterday, we found out there are several crackhead outfits that have moved out of Springfield and are working our area in the middle of the night, looking for unlocked cars and discarded mail in the dumpsters. Make sure you have a shredder to destroy your junk mail.
I picked up 5 old movies from the library today. Even though I have Netflix, the only place I know of that has the really old (thirties) movies anymore is the library. One of the movies is one I have never seen before. It is titled “Cattle Queen of Montana.” I had never seen it before and when I saw the movie container it has Barbara Stanwyck and I am sure one of your favorite presidents, Ronald Reagan. How good is that?
Lastly, I was remembering my late father. He was a man who saw life through a telescope. He always thought he was right on whatever he spoke of. Near the end of his life I found a poster with a man who looked very much like him and the caption on it was, “Be reasonable, do it my way.” Everyone in the family thought it was a perfect rendition of my father, except him. He did not even get it. My father was a good man, just difficult to live with. The funny thing is that while he was so difficult to live with, he has become nearly a saint to family members since his death in 1993.

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